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9,338 result(s) for "Self-similarity"
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Image Denoising Using a Compressive Sensing Approach Based on Regularization Constraints
In remote sensing applications and medical imaging, one of the key points is the acquisition, real-time preprocessing and storage of information. Due to the large amount of information present in the form of images or videos, compression of these data is necessary. Compressed sensing is an efficient technique to meet this challenge. It consists in acquiring a signal, assuming that it can have a sparse representation, by using a minimum number of nonadaptive linear measurements. After this compressed sensing process, a reconstruction of the original signal must be performed at the receiver. Reconstruction techniques are often unable to preserve the texture of the image and tend to smooth out its details. To overcome this problem, we propose, in this work, a compressed sensing reconstruction method that combines the total variation regularization and the non-local self-similarity constraint. The optimization of this method is performed by using an augmented Lagrangian that avoids the difficult problem of nonlinearity and nondifferentiability of the regularization terms. The proposed algorithm, called denoising-compressed sensing by regularization (DCSR) terms, will not only perform image reconstruction but also denoising. To evaluate the performance of the proposed algorithm, we compare its performance with state-of-the-art methods, such as Nesterov's algorithm, group-based sparse representation and wavelet-based methods, in terms of denoising and preservation of edges, texture and image details, as well as from the point of view of computational complexity. Our approach permits a gain up to 25% in terms of denoising efficiency and visual quality using two metrics: peak signal-to-noise ratio (PSNR) and structural similarity (SSIM).
On the properties of the solutions of the problem of cross-diffusion with the dual nonlinearity and the convective transfer
In this work, special methods for studying nonlinear parabolic equations were developed that allow a fairly detailed study of nonlinear problems based on self-similar and approximately self-similar solutions and the construction of an analogue Zeldovych-Kompanees type solution for a cross system, since the study of self-similar equations is relatively simpler in comparison with equations in private derivatives. Studied the properties of solutions to the problem of a biological population of the Fisher-Kolmogorov type in the case of cross-diffusion with the dual nonlinearity and the convective transfer. An estimate of the solutions is obtained, and on the basis of it the problem of choosing the initial approximation for the numerical solution of the Cauchy problem is solved.
Diffraction-free space–time light sheets
Diffraction-free optical beams propagate freely without change in shape and scale. Monochromatic beams that avoid diffractive spreading require two-dimensional transverse profiles and there are no corresponding solutions for profiles restricted to one transverse dimension. Here, we demonstrate that the temporal degree of freedom can be exploited to efficiently synthesize one-dimensional pulsed light sheets that propagate self-similarly in free space, with no need for nonlinearity or dispersion. By introducing programmable conical (hyperbolic, parabolic or elliptical) spectral correlations between the beam’s spatiotemporal degrees of freedom, a continuum of families of propagation-invariant light sheets is generated. The spectral loci of such beams are the reduced-dimensionality trajectories at the intersection of the light-cone with spatiotemporal spectral planes. Far from being exceptional, self-similar axial-propagation in free space is a generic feature of fields whose spatial and temporal degrees of freedom are tightly correlated. These ‘space–time’ light sheets can be useful in microscopy, nonlinear spectroscopy, and non-contact measurements. One-dimensional non-diffracting sheets of light are achieved without exploiting nonlinearity. Such light sheets may be exploited in microscopy and sensing applications.
Depth Image Inpainting method based on sparse gradient prior
This paper solves the inpainting problem of single depth images. depth images are regarded as natural images without texture. Because of the sparsity property of natural images and the textureless property of depth images, we propose a similar group-based sparse model with sparse gradient regularization. For one thing, the similar group-based sparse model can better represent the local smooth and nonlocal self-similarity. For another, the sparse gradient regularization can better represent the textureless properties. The proposed algorithm takes advantage of the properties of depth images. The experimental results show the effect of the proposed algorithm.
Design and characterization of electrons in a fractal geometry
The dimensionality of an electronic quantum system is decisive for its properties. In one dimension electrons form a Luttinger liquid and in two dimensions they exhibit the quantum Hall effect. However, very little is known about the behavior of electrons in non-integer, or fractional dimensions1. Here, we show how arrays of artificial atoms can be defined by controlled positioning of CO molecules on a Cu (111) surface2-4, and how these sites couple to form electronic Sierpiński fractals. We characterize the electron wave functions at different energies with scanning tunneling microscopy and spectroscopy and show that they inherit the fractional dimension. Wave functions delocalized over the Sierpiński structure decompose into self-similar parts at higher energy, and this scale invariance can also be retrieved in reciprocal space. Our results show that electronic quantum fractals can be artificially created by atomic manipulation in a scanning tunneling microscope. The same methodology will allow future study to address fundamental questions about the effects of spin-orbit interaction and a magnetic field on electrons in non-integer dimensions. Moreover, the rational concept of artificial atoms can readily be transferred to planar semiconductor electronics, allowing for the exploration of electrons in a well-defined fractal geometry, including interactions and external fields.
Time-frequency super-resolution with superlets
Due to the Heisenberg-Gabor uncertainty principle, finite oscillation transients are difficult to localize simultaneously in both time and frequency. Classical estimators, like the short-time Fourier transform or the continuous-wavelet transform optimize either temporal or frequency resolution, or find a suboptimal tradeoff. Here, we introduce a spectral estimator enabling time-frequency super-resolution, called superlet, that uses sets of wavelets with increasingly constrained bandwidth. These are combined geometrically in order to maintain the good temporal resolution of single wavelets and gain frequency resolution in upper bands. The normalization of wavelets in the set facilitates exploration of data with scale-free, fractal nature, containing oscillation packets that are self-similar across frequencies. Superlets perform well on synthetic data and brain signals recorded in humans and rodents, resolving high frequency bursts with excellent precision. Importantly, they can reveal fast transient oscillation events in single trials that may be hidden in the averaged time-frequency spectrum by other methods.
Spatially distributed multipartite entanglement enables EPR steering of atomic clouds
A key resource for distributed quantum-enhanced protocols is entanglement between spatially separated modes. However, the robust generation and detection of entanglement between spatially separated regions of an ultracold atomic system remain a challenge. We used spin mixing in a tightly confined Bose-Einstein condensate to generate an entangled state of indistinguishable particles in a single spatial mode. We show experimentally that this entanglement can be spatially distributed by self-similar expansion of the atomic cloud. We used spatially resolved spin read-out to reveal a particularly strong form of quantum correlations known as Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen (EPR) steering between distinct parts of the expanded cloud. Based on the strength of EPR steering, we constructed a witness, which confirmed genuine 5-partite entanglement.
Emergence of criticality through a cascade of delocalization transitions in quasiperiodic chains
Conduction through materials crucially depends on how ordered the materials are. Periodically ordered systems exhibit extended Bloch waves that generate metallic bands, whereas disorder is known to limit conduction and localize the motion of particles in a medium1,2. In this context, quasiperiodic systems, which are neither periodic nor disordered, demonstrate exotic conduction properties, self-similar wavefunctions and critical phenomena3. Here, we explore the localization properties of waves in a novel family of quasiperiodic chains obtained when continuously interpolating between two paradigmatic limits4: the Aubry–André model5,6, famous for its metal-to-insulator transition, and the Fibonacci chain7,8, known for its critical nature. We discover that the Aubry–André model evolves into criticality through a cascade of band-selective localization/delocalization transitions that iteratively shape the self-similar critical wavefunctions of the Fibonacci chain. Using experiments on cavity-polariton devices, we observe the first transition and reveal the microscopic origin of the cascade. Our findings offer (1) a unique new insight into understanding the criticality of quasiperiodic chains, (2) a controllable knob by which to engineer band-selective pass filters and (3) a versatile experimental platform with which to further study the interplay of many-body interactions and dissipation in a wide range of quasiperiodic models. The localization properties of waves in the quasiperiodic chains described by the Aubry–André model and Fibonacci model are investigated. Passing from one model to the other, the system develops a cascade of delocalization transitions.
Self‐similarity based DDoS attack detection using Hurst parameter
Distributed denial‐of‐service attack is a serious concern in this era of voluminous Internet world. The challenge is to find difference between distributed denial‐of‐service attack traffic of all types and legitimate traffic at the earliest, as we can see high‐rate attack traffic and low rate attack traffic resembles with bursty legitimate traffic and normal legitimate traffic, respectively. Self‐similarity exists in ethernet traffic. Using Hurst parameter, we have differentiated legitimacy of any traffic irrespective of network traffic protocol. We have validated our method using both benchmark and real‐life datasets, and the results are highly satisfactory. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Self‐similarity feature exists in Ethernet traffic, as a statistical property. Hurst parameter is a value to define the self‐similarity in a time series data. The abnormal behavior of Ethernet traffic due to DDoS attack, can be detected using Hurst parameter evaluation.