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68,662 result(s) for "String Theory"
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Massive islands
A bstract We comment on the role of the graviton mass in recent calculations of the Page curve using holographic ideas. All reliable calculations of the Page curve in more than 2+1 spacetime dimensions have been performed in systems with massive gravitons. A crucial ingredient in these calculations is the formation of islands, regions that contribute to the entropy of degrees of freedom located elsewhere. While most often simply ignored, it is indeed true that mass of the graviton does not appear to significantly affect the calculations that appeared in the literature. We use the freedom to change the graviton mass to give an extremely simple model of analytically tractable island formation in general dimensions. We do however note that if one attempts to take the limit of zero graviton mass, any contribution from the islands disappears. This raises the question to what extent entanglement islands can play a role in standard massless gravity.
Cobordism conjecture, anomalies, and the String Lamppost Principle
A bstract We consider consequences of triviality of cobordism classes and anomaly cancellation in supergravity theories in d > 6. We argue that this leads to the existence of certain defects which we call “I-folds” (a generalization of orientifolds). The requirement that compactifications to lower dimensions involving these defects be anomaly free leads to conditions on the higher dimensional theory. We show that in theories with 16 supercharges in d > 6 this leads to restrictions on the rank of the allowed gauge groups and thus provides an explanation for the observed restrictions in known string theory constructions. In particular, in eight and nine dimensions the only solutions to our constraints are precisely the ones realized in string theory compactifications. We also use these techniques to place constraints on the global structure of the gauge group in eight and nine dimensions.
A symmetry breaking scenario for QCD3
A bstract We consider the dynamics of 2+1 dimensional SU( N ) gauge theory with Chern-Simons level k and N f fundamental fermions. By requiring consistency with previously suggested dualities for N f ≤ 2 k as well as the dynamics at k = 0 we propose that the theory with N f > 2 k breaks the U( N f ) global symmetry spontaneously to U( N f / 2 + k ) × U( N f / 2 − k ). In contrast to the 3+1 dimensional case, the symmetry breaking takes place in a range of quark masses and not just at one point. The target space never becomes parametrically large and the Nambu-Goldstone bosons are therefore not visible semi-classically. Such symmetry breaking is argued to take place in some intermediate range of the number of flavors, 2 k < N f < N ∗ ( N, k ), with the upper limit N ∗ obeying various constraints. The Lagrangian for the Nambu-Goldstone bosons has to be supplemented by nontrivial Wess-Zumino terms that are necessary for the consistency of the picture, even at k = 0. Furthermore, we suggest two scalar dual theories in this range of N f . A similar picture is developed for SO( N ) and Sp( N ) gauge theories. It sheds new light on monopole condensation and confinement in the SO( N ) & Spin( N ) theories.
Circuit complexity in quantum field theory
A bstract Motivated by recent studies of holographic complexity, we examine the question of circuit complexity in quantum field theory. We provide a quantum circuit model for the preparation of Gaussian states, in particular the ground state, in a free scalar field theory for general dimensions. Applying the geometric approach of Nielsen to this quantum circuit model, the complexity of the state becomes the length of the shortest geodesic in the space of circuits. We compare the complexity of the ground state of the free scalar field to the analogous results from holographic complexity, and find some surprising similarities.
Entanglement wedge reconstruction and the information paradox
A bstract When absorbing boundary conditions are used to evaporate a black hole in AdS/CFT, we show that there is a phase transition in the location of the quantum Ryu-Takayanagi surface, at precisely the Page time. The new RT surface lies slightly inside the event horizon, at an infalling time approximately the scrambling time β/ 2 π log S BH into the past. We can immediately derive the Page curve, using the Ryu-Takayanagi formula, and the Hayden-Preskill decoding criterion, using entanglement wedge reconstruction. Because part of the interior is now encoded in the early Hawking radiation, the decreasing entanglement entropy of the black hole is exactly consistent with the semiclassical bulk entanglement of the late-time Hawking modes, despite the absence of a firewall. By studying the entanglement wedge of highly mixed states, we can understand the state dependence of the interior reconstructions. A crucial role is played by the existence of tiny, non-perturbative errors in entanglement wedge reconstruction. Directly after the Page time, interior operators can only be reconstructed from the Hawking radiation if the initial state of the black hole is known. As the black hole continues to evaporate, reconstructions become possible that simultaneously work for a large class of initial states. Using similar techniques, we generalise Hayden-Preskill to show how the amount of Hawking radiation required to reconstruct a large diary, thrown into the black hole, depends on both the energy and the entropy of the diary. Finally we argue that, before the evaporation begins, a single, state-independent interior reconstruction exists for any code space of microstates with entropy strictly less than the Bekenstein-Hawking entropy, and show that this is sufficient state dependence to avoid the AMPSS typical-state firewall paradox.
The entropy of bulk quantum fields and the entanglement wedge of an evaporating black hole
A bstract Bulk quantum fields are often said to contribute to the generalized entropy A 4 G N + S bulk only at O (1). Nonetheless, in the context of evaporating black holes, O (1 /GN ) gradients in S bulk can arise due to large boosts, introducing a quantum extremal surface far from any classical extremal surface. We examine the effect of such bulk quantum effects on quantum extremal surfaces (QESs) and the resulting entanglement wedge in a simple two-boundary 2 d bulk system defined by Jackiw-Teitelboim gravity coupled to a 1+1 CFT. Turning on a coupling between one boundary and a further external auxiliary system which functions as a heat sink allows a two-sided otherwise-eternal black hole to evaporate on one side. We find the generalized entropy of the QES to behave as expected from general considerations of unitarity, and in particular that ingoing information disappears from the entanglement wedge after a scambling time β 2 π log ΔS + O 1 in accord with expectations for holographic implementations of the Hayden-Preskill protocol. We also find an interesting QES phase transition at what one might call the Page time for our process.
Time-reversal breaking in QCD4, walls, and dualities in 2 + 1 dimensions
A bstract We study SU( N ) Quantum Chromodynamics (QCD) in 3+1 dimensions with N f degenerate fundamental quarks with mass m and a θ -parameter. For generic m and θ the theory has a single gapped vacuum. However, as θ is varied through θ = π for large m there is a first order transition. For N f = 1 the first order transition line ends at a point with a massless η ′ particle (for all N ) and for N f > 1 the first order transition ends at m = 0, where, depending on the value of N f , the IR theory has free Nambu-Goldstone bosons, an interacting conformal field theory, or a free gauge theory. Even when the 4 d bulk is smooth, domain walls and interfaces can have interesting phase transitions separating different 3 d phases. These turn out to be the phases of the recently studied 3 d Chern-Simons matter theories, thus relating the dynamics of QCD 4 and QCD 3 , and, in particular, making contact with the recently discussed dualities in 2+1 dimensions. For example, when the massless 4 d theory has an SU( N f ) sigma model, the domain wall theory at low (nonzero) mass supports a 3 d massless ℂ ℙ N f − 1 nonlinear σ -model with a Wess-Zumino term, in agreement with the conjectured dynamics in 2+1 dimensions.
Topological defect lines and renormalization group flows in two dimensions
A bstract We consider topological defect lines (TDLs) in two-dimensional conformal field theories. Generalizing and encompassing both global symmetries and Verlinde lines, TDLs together with their attached defect operators provide models of fusion categories without braiding. We study the crossing relations of TDLs, discuss their relation to the ’t Hooft anomaly, and use them to constrain renormalization group flows to either conformal critical points or topological quantum field theories (TQFTs). We show that if certain non-invertible TDLs are preserved along a RG flow, then the vacuum cannot be a non-degenerate gapped state. For various massive flows, we determine the infrared TQFTs completely from the consideration of TDLs together with modular invariance.
The worldsheet dual of the symmetric product CFT
A bstract Superstring theory on AdS 3 × S 3 × T 4 with the smallest amount of NS-NS flux (“ k = 1”) is shown to be dual to the spacetime CFT given by the large N limit of the free symmetric product orbifold Sym N T 4 . To define the worldsheet theory at k = 1, we employ the hybrid formalism in which the AdS 3 × S 3 part is described by the p s u 1 , 1 | 2 1 WZW model (which is well defined). Unlike the case for k ≥ 2, it turns out that the string spectrum at k = 1 does not exhibit the long string continuum, and perfectly matches with the large N limit of the symmetric product. We also demonstrate that the fusion rules of the symmetric orbifold are reproduced from the worldsheet perspective. Our proposal therefore affords a tractable worldsheet description of a tensionless limit in string theory, for which the dual CFT is also explicitly known.
On 2-group global symmetries and their anomalies
A bstract In general quantum field theories (QFTs), ordinary (0-form) global symmetries and 1-form symmetries can combine into 2-group global symmetries. We describe this phenomenon in detail using the language of symmetry defects. We exhibit a simple procedure to determine the (possible) 2-group global symmetry of a given QFT, and provide a classification of the related ’t Hooft anomalies (for symmetries not acting on spacetime). We also describe how QFTs can be coupled to extrinsic backgrounds for symmetry groups that differ from the intrinsic symmetry acting faithfully on the theory. Finally, we provide a variety of examples, ranging from TQFTs (gapped systems) to gapless QFTs. Along the way, we stress that the “obstruction to symmetry fractionalization” discussed in some condensed matter literature is really an instance of 2-group global symmetry.