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5 result(s) for "Surgery Problems, exercises, etc."
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Make A Decision: Surgery
You're the general surgeon on call. It is youwho has to decide every course of action over your shift. Make the right decisions or face the consequences...Taking a role-playing approach, Make A Decision: Surgeryallows you to be the book's main character - Dr A. Simpson - a junior general surgeon on call in a busy teaching hospital. Your decisions and actions determine the clinical outcomes of real patients within a number of scenarios. Each scenario branches out and unfolds as you make more decisions, but choose incorrectly and you may be sent home by your boss! Every decision you make is scored and evidence-based feedback is presented at the end of each scenario together with the correct clinical response and an explanation of what actually happened to the patient.Blood work and radiological investigations presented in typical clinical formats allow you to practise your data interpretation skills, whilst your skills in clinical communication are tested to the full as you interact with patients and their families as well as co-members of staff.Based on first-hand experience, the authors have selected real cases that have impacted on their practice and reflect important points of learning, making the book perfect for medical students, junior doctors, and surgery trainees who are looking for a scenario-based, interactive way to learn.For further information and online interactive medical teaching visit
DNA Technology
DNA Technology, Second Edition, is a survey of biotechnology written to enlighten readers about the breakthroughs made possible by the science and technologies associated with current DNA research. Ed Alcamo gives the educated layperson a survey of DNA by presenting a brief history of genetics, a clear outline of techniques that are in use, and indications of breakthroughs in cloning and other DNA advances. Appropriate for a wide range of courses for non-biology majors, including a ÒDNA for Lawyers course or allied health and nursing courses. After reading this book, individuals will feel more confident in their ability to understand contemporary newspaper and magazines articles referring to DNA technology and human genetics. Business people will make more confident decisions in their dealings with biotechnology issues. Lawyers and jurists will have a better appreciation of DNA fingerprinting. Personswith genetic disease will have a clearer understanding of their afflictions and understand the bases for possible cures. Agriculturists will have insight to the genetic basis for gene-altered plants and animals. And the general public will better appreciate the nature and reasons for the Human Genome Project now in progress.