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41 result(s) for "Switzerland Fiction."
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Caminante, No Hay Camino, Se Hace Camino al Andar: On a Creative Research Project in Urban Planning
This article looks back at a creative research project conducted in Geneva, Switzerland, which, by experimenting between art and science, sought to understand how citizen narratives can participate in the making of an urban plan. The approach presented here brought together geographers, architects, and novelists. Citizen narratives produced at writing workshops imagined the city of the future in ways that significantly contrasted with visions gathered from events organised by public authorities. These narratives were taken up by the novelists, who helped produce a piece of fiction containing the power to reveal the qualities of the present. This piece has since become a novel. By discovering what their future city could be, participants in this project were led to identify the places that should be preserved. Their narratives thus helped identify an ordinary heritage that could be included in an urban planning document. This reflective look at a project that gradually took shape could be useful to anyone wishing to conduct creative research in urban planning, particularly from the perspective of a more inclusive city.
The blue soda siphon
In this wildly entertaining novel, the narrator unexpectedly finds himself back in the world of his childhood: Switzerland in the 1940s. He returns to his childhood home to find his parents frantic because their son is missing. Then, in another switch, the young boy that he was back then turns up in the present of the early 1990s, during the Gulf War, where he meets himself as an older man, and meets his adult self s young daughter. These head-scratching, hilarious time shifts happen when both the adult narrator and his childhood self go to the cinema and see films, the subjects of which echo their own lives.
Življenje kot estetska izkušnja v literarnih delih Erice Pedretti
Redkim avtorjem in avtoricam, ki se gibljejo po robu lastne biografije, se v literarnih delih uspe do te mere oddaljiti od lastnega jaza, da njihova dela na papirju postanejo prepričljiva fikcija. To nedvomno velja za švicarsko pisateljico, pravzaprav sudetsko Nemko, Erico Pedretti, ki je zaslovela s svojimi znamenitimi eksperimenti z jezikom, za kar je prejela številne nagrade, med katerimi sta tudi prestižna Nagrada Ingeborg Bachmann in Vilenica. V pričujočem članku bomo poskusili pokazati, kako je avtorica, ki je bila tudi slikarka in kiparka, v svojih delih – začenši z drobno knjižico Harmloses, bitte (Nenevarno, prosim) leta 1970, pa vse do zadnjega romana Das Kuckuckskind oder Was ich ihr unbedingt noch sagen wollte (Kukavičje dete ali Kar sem ji na vsak način še želela povedati) iz leta 1998 ter zvežčiča fremd genug (dovolj tuji) iz leta 2010 – poskušala beležiti svoje izkušnje, jih spremeniti v estetiko in ob tem predvsem preizpraševati ustaljene vzorce obnašanja in upovedovanja.
Gian Paolo Tozzoli, diplomat and writer
Gian Paolo Tozzoli ranks among the most relevant diplomat-writers of the Italian career. Born in Naples in 1926, he obtained a degree in Literature at the University of Bari and one in Law at Naples. He won the competition for the diplomatic service in 1954 and continued his activity as a journalist, later becoming an essayist, a poet, a novelist. He was posted in Belgrade, Basle, Geneva and New York as secretary and counsellor; successively in Tirana, Prague and Malta as ambassador. After three volumes of poetry: One hundred poems for a life, Malastrana and Suddenly, the world, he published an essay on Switzerland and the Swiss translated in German with the title Fünf Millionen Gerechte, The prophetic temptation on political prevision, and Albania, the last border of Stalinism. Switching to fiction, Tozzoli wrote two novels: Prince Dimitri and Apotheosis of an idiot, as well as various tales. His life and works confirm how diplomacy and literature can sometimes merge.
Sweet days of discipline
\"A novel about obsessive love and madness set in postwar Switzerland, Fleur Jaeggy's eerily beautiful novel begins innocently enough: \"At fourteen I was a boarder in a school in the Appenzell.\" But there is nothing innocent here. With the off-handed remorselessness of a young Eve, the narrator describes her potentially lethal designs to win the affections of Frâederique, the apparently perfect new girl.\"
The novel as an expression of cultural pluralism: thoughts on the novels Die Reise nach Trient by Kajetan Kovic and Nachleben by Gertrud Wilker
Gertrud Wilker and Kajetan Kovic, two authors with different cultural and historical backgrounds (Slovenian and Swiss) have written successful novels in the form of fictitional biographies-Nachleben and Pot v Trento (The Way to Trento)-in which they construct totally autonomous worlds that reflect both cultural pluralism and the importance of individual perspectives. Reprinted by permission of the German Studies Review
An answer from the silence : a story from the mountains
This novel by esteemed Swiss writer Max Frisch is an exploration of the question: 'Why don't we live when we know we're here just this one time, just one single, unrepeatable time in this unutterably magnificent world?!' This outcry against the emptiness of ordinary, everyday life uttered by the hero of Frisch's book is countered by 'an answer from the silence' he meets when face to face with death. When An Answer from the Silence begins, the protagonist has just turned thirty and is engaged to be married and about to start work as a teacher.
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