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3 result(s) for "Unaccompanied refugee children Fiction."
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The day war came
A powerful and necessary picture book - the journey of a child forced to become a refugee when war destroys everything she has ever known. Imagine if, on an ordinary day, war came. Imagine it turned your town to rubble. Imagine going on a long and difficult journey - all alone. Imagine finding no welcome at the end of it. Then imagine a child who gives you something small but very, very precious ... When the government refused to allow 3000 child refugees to enter this country in 2016, Nicola Davies was so angry she wrote a poem. It started a campaign for which artists contributed drawings of chairs, symbolising a seat in a classroom, education, kindness, the hope of a future. The poem has become this book, movingly illustrated by Rebecca Cobb, which should prove a powerful aid for explaining the ongoing refugee crisis to younger readers.
\"Chaque année, plus de 400 jeunes d'âge mineur arrivent seuls au Canada pour demander le statut de réfugié. Sans parents. Sans adulte pour les accompagner. Seuls raconte le parcours de trois d'entre eux : Afshin, Alain et Patricia. Leurs témoignage ouvrent une fenêtre sur les difficiles sacrifices et les nombreuses épreuves qui jalonnent ce chemin rempli d'obstacles, mai aussi sur le courage et la résilience dont doivent faire preuve ces jeunes avant de pouvoir, enfin, accéder à une vie normale.\"--Back cover.
\"Ebo is alone. His brother Kwame has disappeared, and Ebo knows it can only be to attempt the hazardous journey to Europe and a better life--the same journey their sister set out on months ago. But Ebo refuses to be left behind in Ghana. He sets out after Kwame and joins him on the quest to reach Europe. Ebo's epic journey takes him across the Sahara Desert to the dangerous streets of Tripoli, and finally out to the merciless sea\"--Provided by publisher.