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4 result(s) for "relative reproductive investment"
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Avian distribution and life-history strategies in Amazonian terra-firme and floodplain forests
The diversity of avian populations in the Madre de Dios region of Peru is currently threatened by deforestation and other anthropogenic factors. In this study we assessed differences in bird species composition in two major types of tropical forests: floodplain and terra-firme forest. Abundance of groups of behaviourally similar species showed a higher presence of certain feeding guilds in either floodplain forests or terra-firme forest, whereas no difference in species richness was found. Analysis of the relative reproductive investment (RRI) of these tropical birds showed significant differences between habitats and among families and feeding guilds. Comparison of these families and feeding guilds to their relatives in temperate regions showed that neotropical birds have a smaller RRI, due to both smaller clutch sizes and lower egg mass, even when there are more broods per season. Quantification of RRI as used in this study can be useful to indicate bird species' susceptibility to anthropogenic factors in various habitats.
Sexual traits and reproductive strategy of the leucosiid crab Pyrhila pisum
Mating strategy and sexual dimorphism of morphological traits of the leucosiid crab Pyrhila pisum were elucidated by analysing relative growth patterns of chelipeds and abdomen, and gonad development patterns. Male adults had long chelipeds compared with juvenile males and females. Among male adults, two phases with different slopes could be found in the regression lines; their chelipeds growth pattern changed from negative allometry to positive and longer chelipeds developed in large adults. The growth is more markedly expressed in the merus than in the propodus. Female adults had wider abdominal segments and a thicker body compared with juvenile females and males. Abdomen of females was greatly enlarged by a puberty moult. Male adults had well-developed gonads similar to female adults, and the weights of male gonads were often larger than those of females of the same body size. For adult males, a negative correlation was detected between carapace width and the weight ratio of their gonads, but no significant relationship was detected for adult females. Females had large and well-bloated seminal receptacles, whose weight was nearly equal to gonad weight. There was little difference in the amount of seminal receptacles regardless of the body size of females. There is a trade-off relationship in the development between chelipeds and gonads in adult males. Probably young adult males compensate for the disadvantageous condition of guarding by increasing the number of spermatozoids, and old adult males invest more of their energy to their chelae for guarding while decreasing investment in sperm production.
Maternal allocation in bison: co-occurrence of senescence, cost of reproduction, and individual quality
Parental allocation strategies are of profound interest in life history because they directly impact offspring fitness and therefore are highly valuable for understanding population dynamics and informing management decisions. Yet, numerous questions about reproductive allocation patterns for wild populations of large mammals remain unanswered because of the challenges for measuring allocation in the wild. Using a nine-year longitudinal data set on life-history traits of mother-calf bison pairs, we identified sources of variation in relative maternal allocation (calf mass ratio on mother mass) and assessed the occurrence of reproductive costs associated with differential maternal allocation. We found that heavy mothers provided a lower allocation but still produced heavier calves than light mothers. Older females produced lighter calves and tended to decrease allocation as they aged, supporting the occurrence of reproductive senescence. Mothers that had produced a calf the previous year produced lighter calves and allocated less than mothers that did not lactate the previous year, revealing reproductive costs. However, greater maternal allocation did not reduce the probability of breeding in successive years, and the amount of allocation provided by a mother was positively correlated among the offspring she produced, illustrating individual heterogeneity. Although life-history studies are usually classified as either supporting costs of reproduction or individual quality, our study demonstrates that these contrasting evolutionary forces can shape variation within a single trait. Our work illustrates that many processes can coevolve within a population, emphasizing the need to integrate multiple concepts to better understand the evolution of life-history traits. With regard to management of bison herds, if the goal of culling programs is to select for animals with the best performance, this research suggests that managers should account for the condition and previous reproductive status of mothers when taking culling decisions on juvenile bison.
Maternal allocation in bison: co-occurrence of senescence, cost of reproduction, and individual quality
Parental allocation strategies are of profound interest in life history because they directly impact offspring fitness and therefore are highly valuable for understanding population dynamics and informing management decisions. Yet, numerous questions about reproductive allocation patterns for wild populations of large mammals remain unanswered because of the challenges for measuring allocation in the wild. Using a nine-year longitudinal data set on life-history traits of mother-calf bison pairs, we identified sources of variation in relative maternal allocation (calf mass ratio on mother mass) and assessed the occurrence of reproductive costs associated with differential maternal allocation. We found that heavy mothers provided a lower allocation but still produced heavier calves than light mothers. Older females produced lighter calves and tended to decrease allocation as they aged, supporting the occurrence of reproductive senescence. Mothers that had produced a calf the previous year produced lighter calves and allocated less than mothers that did not lactate the previous year, revealing reproductive costs. However, greater maternal allocation did not reduce the probability of breeding in successive years, and the amount of allocation provided by a mother was positively correlated among the offspring she produced, illustrating individual heterogeneity. Although life-history studies are usually classified as either supporting costs of reproduction or individual quality, our study demonstrates that these contrasting evolutionary forces can shape variation within a single trait. Our work illustrates that many processes can coevolve within a population, emphasizing the need to integrate multiple concepts to better understand the evolution of life-history traits. With regard to management of bison herds, if the goal of culling programs is to select for animals with the best performance, this research suggests that managers should account for the condition and previous reproductive status of mothers when taking culling decisions on juvenile bison.