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Magic hours : essays on creators and creation

Magic hours : essays on creators and creation

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For more than a decade, award-winning writer (and co-author of The Disaster Artist) Tom Bissell has explored questions at the heart of the creative endeavor in astute, remarkable and often hilarious essays. What are sitcoms for, exactly? Can art be both bad and genius? Why do some books survive and others vanish? These pieces cover Bissell's best writing on writers, filmmakers, actors and artists. From Portland, where he visits a midnight screening of The Room, to the Los Angeles set of The Big Bang Theory, to an editorial meeting in New York from which Paula Fox's work was relaunched into the world, Bissell's journeys make for unforgettable reading. Above all, he illustrates that to create something anything, is to believe, if only momentarily, you are capapble of magic.
Vintage Books, a division of Penguin Random House LLC
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BF408.B485 2018 1 BOOK AUTOSTORE