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Urban network evolutions : towards a high-definition archaeology
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Urban network evolutions : towards a high-definition archaeology
Urban network evolutions : towards a high-definition archaeology

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Urban network evolutions : towards a high-definition archaeology

Urban network evolutions : towards a high-definition archaeology

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\"For millennia, urban networks have shaped the development of human societies. Today, new archaeological approaches are unveiling the evolution of these networks in unprecedented detail. Urban Networks Evolutions reviews the new approaches to urban evolution as archaeology endeavours to characterise both the scale and pace of historical events and processes. Issuing from the work of the Danish National Research Foundation's Centre of Excellence, the Centre for Urban Network Evolutions (UrbNet), the book compares the archaeology of urbanism from medieval Northern Europe to the Ancient Mediterranean and the Indian Ocean World. The 40 contributors demonstrate how new techniques for refining archaeological dates, contexts, and the provenance ascribed to material culture, afford a new high-definition approach to the study of global and interregional dynamics. This opens up for far-reaching questions as to how and to what extent urban networks catalysed societal and environmental expansions and crises in the past.\"--Back cover.
Aarhus University Press
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Call Number Copies Material Location
CC77.U72 U73 2018 1 BOOK AUTOSTORE