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Silent summer : the state of wildlife in Britain and Ireland
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Silent summer : the state of wildlife in Britain and Ireland
Silent summer : the state of wildlife in Britain and Ireland

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Silent summer : the state of wildlife in Britain and Ireland

Silent summer : the state of wildlife in Britain and Ireland

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\"Over the past 20 years dramatic declines have taken place in UK insect populations. Eventually, such declines must have knock-on effects for other animals, especially high profile groups such as birds and mammals. This authoritative, yet accessible account details the current state of the wildlife in Britain and Ireland and offers an insight into the outlook for the future. Written by a team of the country's leading experts, it appraises the changes that have occurred in a wide range of wildlife species and their habitats and outlines urgent priorities for conservation. It includes chapters on each of the vertebrate and major invertebrate groups, with the insects covered in particular depth. Also considered are the factors that drive environmental change and the contribution at local and government level to national and international wildlife conservation. Essential reading for anyone who is interested in, and concerned about, UK wildlife\"-- Provided by publisher.
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