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The coronavirus preparedness handbook : how to protect your home, school, workplace, and community from a deadly pandemic
The coronavirus preparedness handbook : how to protect your home, school, workplace, and community from a deadly pandemic

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The coronavirus preparedness handbook : how to protect your home, school, workplace, and community from a deadly pandemic

The coronavirus preparedness handbook : how to protect your home, school, workplace, and community from a deadly pandemic

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The Coronavirus Preparedness Handbook by Tess Pennington will prepare you for whatever may happen in your region. Find life-saving information, including everything you need to know about: Preparing for quarantine; when to release someone from isolation, choosing face masks, respirators, and gloves; creating a medical supply chest; boosting your immune system; stocking your pantry; sanitation tips; communicating during lockdown; preparing your community and schools; and more! From a description of the virus and how to prevent yourself from getting the virus to the supplies you should have in your house in case of a lockdown, this book will prepare you for all possibilities.
Skyhorse Publishing
1510762515, 9781510762510
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Holdings :
Call Number Copies Material Location
RA 644 .C67 P46 2020 1 BOOK AUTOSTORE