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The insect crisis : the fall of the tiny empires that run the world
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The insect crisis : the fall of the tiny empires that run the world
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The insect crisis : the fall of the tiny empires that run the world
The insect crisis : the fall of the tiny empires that run the world

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The insect crisis : the fall of the tiny empires that run the world

The insect crisis : the fall of the tiny empires that run the world

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\"A devastating exploration of how the collapse in insect populations around the world threatens everything from wild birds to the food on our plate. From the ants scurrying under leaf litter to the bees able to fly higher than Mount Kilimanjaro, insects are seemingly everywhere. Three out of four of the planet's known species are insects, but a torrent of recent evidence suggests this kaleidoscopic group of creatures is suffering the greatest existential crisis in its remarkable 400-million-year history. Oliver Milman delves into why insect numbers are plummeting and outlines the dire consequences of losing the tiny empires that hold life aloft on Earth. Along the way, readers encounter a researcher who collects insect guts from the windshields of cars, the bees sent on long-haul truck journeys to prop up our food supply, and a desperate attempt to move trees up mountains to save an iconic butterfly. The mounting losses threaten to unpick the web of life we rely upon. Illuminating and inspiring, The Insect Crisis is a wake-up call for all of us\"-- Provided by publisher.
W. W. Norton & Company
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