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The Last Chronicle of Barset
The Last Chronicle of Barset

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The Last Chronicle of Barset

The Last Chronicle of Barset

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A clergyman's daughter falls in love with a member of high society while her father stands accused of a terrible crime in this classic Victorian novel. The final installment of the Chronicles of Barsetshire provides a fitting close to the delightful tales author Anthony Trollope developed over the course of six unforgettable and influential novels. When Rev. Josiah Crawley, the perpetual curate of Hogglestock, is accused of stealing a check, the allegation hinders the romantic aspirations of his daughter, Grace, who hopes to marry the archdeacon's widowed son, Maj. Henry Grantly. Grace must overcome the objections raised by Grantly's family and win their favor while her father stands accused. The final masterwork in a groundbreaking saga that did much to elevate the status of the English novel, The Last Chronicle of Barset is one of the most beloved novels in the Barsetshire treasury, as well as Trollope's personal favorite. The author ties together many of the loose threads from the series, turning an attentive eye to some of the Chronicles' most beloved—and most loathed—characters. Readers will delight in visiting Barsetshire's cathedral and hamlets one last time. This ebook has been professionally proofread to ensure accuracy and readability on all devices.
Open Road Media
9781504039703, 150403970X