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Framley Parsonage

Framley Parsonage

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The enduring love story and satirical comedy by a master of the English novel. A young vicar's ambition drives him into a costly bargain in this classic tale from one of the Victorian era's finest novelists. Set in rural England in the fictitious county of Barsetshire, the fourth novel in the Chronicles of Barsetshire brilliantly examines the intersection of romance and social class. Mark Robarts is a young, ambitious vicar from the village of Framley, who is living off a benefice provided by Lady Lufton, the mother of his childhood friend, Ludovic. When Robarts decides to try his hand at advancing his wealth and social standing by seeking connections and business opportunities among the county's upper crust, he is pressured into providing a loan to Mr. Sowerby, a member of Parliament and notorious debtor. All the while, Ludovic, Lord Lufton, pursues Robarts's sister Lucy, despite objections from Lady Lufton, who urges her son to enter into courtship with a girl better suited to his title and social class. As debt collectors look to inventory Robarts's possessions—and as Lucy vows to avoid Lord Lufton if she cannot receive his mother's blessing—the stage is set for a hilarious and unforgettable climax. Comparing, Framley Parsonage to the other novels in the Chronicles of Barsetshire, its author noted, \"There was much Church, but more love-making.\" Filled with realistic detail and delightful turns of phrase, Framley Parsonage is a testament to Anthony Trollope's unique ability to combine high-minded insight with popular appeal. This ebook has been professionally proofread to ensure accuracy and readability on all devices.
Open Road Media
1504039688, 9781504039680