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The New Zealand Economy
The New Zealand Economy
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The New Zealand Economy
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The New Zealand Economy
The New Zealand Economy

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The New Zealand Economy

The New Zealand Economy

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What drives economic growth in New Zealand? How has New Zealand been impacted by globalization and the financial crisis? What will shape future productivity and competitiveness? In this book, leading economists assemble key data to provide an analytical introduction to the contemporary New Zealand economy. Interpreting key economic indicators over time—gross domestic product and interest rates, population, employment and productivity levels, trade and investment, and government accounts—this examination focuses particularly on two issues: globalization and the rise of the Asian economies during the past 30 years, and the origins and continuing effects of the 2007-08 global financial crisis. Rich with local data and case studies, this is a clear and concise assessment of the current structure and performance of New Zealand's economy from a historical and global perspective.
Auckland University Press
9781775581987, 1775581985, 9781869404895, 1869404890