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Higgs Hadroproduction at Large Feynman x
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Higgs Hadroproduction at Large Feynman x
Higgs Hadroproduction at Large Feynman x

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Higgs Hadroproduction at Large Feynman x
Higgs Hadroproduction at Large Feynman x

Higgs Hadroproduction at Large Feynman x

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We propose a novel mechanism for the production of the Higgs boson in inclusive hadronic collisions, which utilizes the presence of heavy quarks in the proton wave function. In these inclusive reactions the Higgs boson acquires the momenta of both the heavy quark and antiquark and thus carries 80% or more of the projectile's momentum. We predict that the cross section \\({d \\sigma/d x_F}(p \\bar p \\to H X)\\) for the inclusive production of the Standard Model Higgs coming from intrinsic bottom Fock states is of order 150 fb at LHC energies, peaking in the region of \\(x_F \\sim 0.9\\). Our estimates indicate that the corresponding cross section coming from gluon-gluon fusion at \\(x_F = 0.9\\) is relatively negligible and therefore the peak from intrinsic bottom should be clearly visible for experiments with forward detection capabilities. The predicted cross section for the production of the Standard Model Higgs coming from intrinsic heavy quark Fock states in the proton is sufficiently large that detection at the Tevatron and the LHC may be possible.
Cornell University Library, arXiv.org