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Book Review

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Berger's film is predicated on the presumed prevailing gay-friendly environment of contemporary Buenos Aires (if not all of Argentina) and the way in which the private can , with considerable ease, be public in the post-1983 democracy, grounded as it is on an overt defense of human rights. Bruno and Pablo do some experimental kissing, and they do sleep together on occasion in fraternal \"I was too drunk last night to make it to my own bed\" fashion, and they do get naked (at the gym) and semi-naked together (at Pablo's), but this business is all executed in terms of boys just being boys, messing around as boys will want to do. The matter of how two paradigmatic machoes will negotiate their bodies in terms of homoerotic lovemaking is not devoid of interest, but it is not the point of the film, and it is significant that he does not detract from the main line of his narrative, the psychological purposes by which the two men can fall into each other's arms without any evidence of psychological trauma (this in Freudian Buenos Aires!), is to the director's considerable credit.
Chasqui: Revista de literatura latinoamericana,Chasqui,Arizona State University - Languages and Literatures