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Robert Motherwell among the Surrealists
Robert Motherwell among the Surrealists
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Robert Motherwell among the Surrealists
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Robert Motherwell among the Surrealists
Robert Motherwell among the Surrealists

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Robert Motherwell among the Surrealists
Robert Motherwell among the Surrealists
Journal Article

Robert Motherwell among the Surrealists

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Carefully choosing politically charged terminology, art historian Dickran Tashjian characterized American painter Robert Motherwell as a “fellow-traveler” capable of “rais[ing] the surrealist arsenal without feeling bound to ideas he could not embrace.” More directly involved in exile surrealism and outspoken about its impact on American modernism during World War II than any other artist of his generation, Motherwell’s art and critical writings display his deep understanding of surrealism’s benefits, as well as his doubts about the movement’s importance to abstract expressionism’s genesis. Analyzing primary source materials in the collections of the Archives of American Art and the Dedalus Foundation, this essay explores how surrealism stimulated Motherwell’s speculative mind and visual intellect.