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Service Needs of Clients Before and After Short Term Community Mental Health Case Management
Service Needs of Clients Before and After Short Term Community Mental Health Case Management
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Service Needs of Clients Before and After Short Term Community Mental Health Case Management
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Service Needs of Clients Before and After Short Term Community Mental Health Case Management
Service Needs of Clients Before and After Short Term Community Mental Health Case Management

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Service Needs of Clients Before and After Short Term Community Mental Health Case Management
Service Needs of Clients Before and After Short Term Community Mental Health Case Management
Journal Article

Service Needs of Clients Before and After Short Term Community Mental Health Case Management

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This study evaluated level of service need before and after a short-term community mental health case management intervention from the perspective of both clients and case managers. Ontario Common Assessment of Need data were used to describe client needs. McNemar’s test was applied to assess differences in pre- and post- need scores. Psychological distress, company, daytime activities, and physical health were most commonly rated by clients as unmet needs at enrolment. At discharge, there was a significant change in psychological distress from the perspective of clients, and in psychological distress and daytime activities from the perspective of case managers. Statistically significant changes were observed for Total Need, Total Unmet Need and Met Need scores from the perspective of case managers. While both clients and case managers reported changes in total service needs between admission and discharge from short-term case management, clients were less likely to report a difference in needs.