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Supersonic impact resilience of nanoarchitected carbon
Supersonic impact resilience of nanoarchitected carbon
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Supersonic impact resilience of nanoarchitected carbon
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Supersonic impact resilience of nanoarchitected carbon
Supersonic impact resilience of nanoarchitected carbon

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Supersonic impact resilience of nanoarchitected carbon
Supersonic impact resilience of nanoarchitected carbon
Journal Article

Supersonic impact resilience of nanoarchitected carbon

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Architected materials with nanoscale features have enabled extreme combinations of properties by exploiting the ultralightweight structural design space together with size-induced mechanical enhancement at small scales. Apart from linear waves in metamaterials, this principle has been restricted to quasi-static properties or to low-speed phenomena, leaving nanoarchitected materials under extreme dynamic conditions largely unexplored. Here, using supersonic microparticle impact experiments, we demonstrate extreme impact energy dissipation in three-dimensional nanoarchitected carbon materials that exhibit mass-normalized energy dissipation superior to that of traditional impact-resistant materials such as steel, aluminium, polymethyl methacrylate and Kevlar. In-situ ultrahigh-speed imaging and post-mortem confocal microscopy reveal consistent mechanisms such as compaction cratering and microparticle capture that enable this superior response. By analogy to planetary impact, we introduce predictive tools for crater formation in these materials using dimensional analysis. These results substantially uncover the dynamic regime over which nanoarchitecture enables the design of ultralightweight, impact-resistant materials that could open the way to design principles for lightweight armour, protective coatings and blast-resistant shields for sensitive electronics.