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Design and Implementation of Low-Cost Phasor Measurement Unit: PhasorsCatcher
Design and Implementation of Low-Cost Phasor Measurement Unit: PhasorsCatcher
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Design and Implementation of Low-Cost Phasor Measurement Unit: PhasorsCatcher
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Design and Implementation of Low-Cost Phasor Measurement Unit: PhasorsCatcher
Design and Implementation of Low-Cost Phasor Measurement Unit: PhasorsCatcher

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Design and Implementation of Low-Cost Phasor Measurement Unit: PhasorsCatcher
Design and Implementation of Low-Cost Phasor Measurement Unit: PhasorsCatcher
Journal Article

Design and Implementation of Low-Cost Phasor Measurement Unit: PhasorsCatcher

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The need for Phasor Measurement Units (PMUs) is rising as renewable energy sources become more prevalent in power networks since the rate of change of frequency is being deteriorated. Appropriate and accurate network measurements are a requirement for the precise monitoring and control of the system. This paper presents a low-cost PMU development, the so-called PhasorsCatcher, for the frequency and rate of change of frequency measurements in power networks, using sufficient but straightforward modular and reconfigurable friendly technology for its implementation. The entire hardware design, schematics, and instrumentation components are shown. Moreover, the visualisation has been calibrated and verified through an experimentation set-up and the existing electrical and communication standards.