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Real-Time Grid Monitoring and Protection: A Comprehensive Survey on the Advantages of Phasor Measurement Units
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Real-Time Grid Monitoring and Protection: A Comprehensive Survey on the Advantages of Phasor Measurement Units
Real-Time Grid Monitoring and Protection: A Comprehensive Survey on the Advantages of Phasor Measurement Units

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Real-Time Grid Monitoring and Protection: A Comprehensive Survey on the Advantages of Phasor Measurement Units
Real-Time Grid Monitoring and Protection: A Comprehensive Survey on the Advantages of Phasor Measurement Units
Journal Article

Real-Time Grid Monitoring and Protection: A Comprehensive Survey on the Advantages of Phasor Measurement Units

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The emerging smart-grid and microgrid concept implementation into the conventional power system brings complexity due to the incorporation of various renewable energy sources and non-linear inverter-based devices. The occurrence of frequent power outages may have a significant negative impact on a nation’s economic, societal, and fiscal standing. As a result, it is essential to employ sophisticated monitoring and measuring technology. Implementing phasor measurement units (PMUs) in modern power systems brings about substantial improvement and beneficial solutions, mainly to protection issues and challenges. PMU-assisted state estimation, phase angle monitoring, power oscillation monitoring, voltage stability monitoring, fault detection, and cyberattack identification are a few prominent applications. Although substantial research has been carried out on the aspects of PMU applications to power system protection, it can be evolved from its current infancy stage and become an open domain of research to achieve further improvements and novel approaches. The three principal objectives are emphasized in this review. The first objective is to present all the methods on the synchro-phasor-based PMU application to estimate the power system states and dynamic phenomena in frequent time intervals to observe centrally, which helps to make appropriate decisions for better protection. The second is to discuss and analyze the post-disturbance scenarios adopted through better protection schemes based on accurate and synchronized measurements through GPS synchronization. Thirdly, this review summarizes current research on PMU applications for power system protection, showcasing innovative breakthroughs, addressing existing challenges, and highlighting areas for future research to enhance system resilience against catastrophic events.