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Microenvironmental regulation of tumour angiogenesis
Microenvironmental regulation of tumour angiogenesis
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Microenvironmental regulation of tumour angiogenesis
Microenvironmental regulation of tumour angiogenesis

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Microenvironmental regulation of tumour angiogenesis
Microenvironmental regulation of tumour angiogenesis
Journal Article

Microenvironmental regulation of tumour angiogenesis

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Tumours display considerable variation in the patterning and properties of angiogenic blood vessels, as well as in their responses to anti-angiogenic therapy. Angiogenic programming of neoplastic tissue is a multidimensional process regulated by cancer cells in concert with a variety of tumour-associated stromal cells and their bioactive products, which encompass cytokines and growth factors, the extracellular matrix and secreted microvesicles. In this Review, we discuss the extrinsic regulation of angiogenesis by the tumour microenvironment, highlighting potential vulnerabilities that could be targeted to improve the applicability and reach of anti-angiogenic cancer therapies.