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Evaluation of local hemostatic efficacy after dental extractions in patients taking antiplatelet drugs: a randomized clinical trial
Evaluation of local hemostatic efficacy after dental extractions in patients taking antiplatelet drugs: a randomized clinical trial
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Evaluation of local hemostatic efficacy after dental extractions in patients taking antiplatelet drugs: a randomized clinical trial
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Evaluation of local hemostatic efficacy after dental extractions in patients taking antiplatelet drugs: a randomized clinical trial
Evaluation of local hemostatic efficacy after dental extractions in patients taking antiplatelet drugs: a randomized clinical trial

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Evaluation of local hemostatic efficacy after dental extractions in patients taking antiplatelet drugs: a randomized clinical trial
Evaluation of local hemostatic efficacy after dental extractions in patients taking antiplatelet drugs: a randomized clinical trial
Journal Article

Evaluation of local hemostatic efficacy after dental extractions in patients taking antiplatelet drugs: a randomized clinical trial

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Objectives The purpose of this study was to evaluate clinical efficacy of four different local hemostatics in patients taking oral antiplatelet therapy, after multiple dental extractions without discontinuing drugs. Materials and methods Study sample included 102 patients (mean age 64.1 ± 17.4 years) in treatment with oral antiplatelet agents needing multiple dental extractions. After surgery, the sockets were randomly sealing with suture alone (control group), hemostatic plug (HEM), advanced platelet-rich fibrin (A-PRF+), and leukocyte-platelet-rich fibrin (L-PRF). Primary outcomes were post-operative bleeding, wound healing index, and possible complications. Secondary outcomes were correlation between primary outcomes and patient’s comorbidities and voluptuous habits. Descriptive statistics, bivariate comparisons, and logistic regression analysis were performed ( p < 0.05). Results Both A-PRF+ and L-PRF showed a reduced bleeding risk when compared with suture alone (OR = 0.09, p = 0.001 for A-PRF+; OR = 0.09, p = 0.005 for L-PRF). Only L-PRF showed a reduced risk for incomplete wound healing when compared with the control site (OR = 0.43, p = 0.019). Patients affected by hypertension (OR 3.91, p = 0.015) and diabetes (OR 3.24, p = 0.026) had the highest bleeding risk. Smoking (OR 4.30, p = 0.016) and diabetes (OR 3.79, p = 0.007) interfered with healing process. Conclusion L-PRF and A-PRF represent a valid alternative to the traditional hemostatics, reducing post-surgical bleeding and promoting wound healing. Clinical relevance In patients taking antiplatelet drugs, different local hemostatics are useful to control potential post-operative bleeding and to favor wound healing. However, comorbidities and voluptuous habits may increase bleeding risk, interfering with healing process.