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Urban Planning and Smart City Decision Management Empowered by Real-Time Data Processing Using Big Data Analytics
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Urban Planning and Smart City Decision Management Empowered by Real-Time Data Processing Using Big Data Analytics
Urban Planning and Smart City Decision Management Empowered by Real-Time Data Processing Using Big Data Analytics

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Urban Planning and Smart City Decision Management Empowered by Real-Time Data Processing Using Big Data Analytics
Urban Planning and Smart City Decision Management Empowered by Real-Time Data Processing Using Big Data Analytics
Journal Article

Urban Planning and Smart City Decision Management Empowered by Real-Time Data Processing Using Big Data Analytics

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The Internet of Things (IoT), inspired by the tremendous growth of connected heterogeneous devices, has pioneered the notion of smart city. Various components, i.e., smart transportation, smart community, smart healthcare, smart grid, etc. which are integrated within smart city architecture aims to enrich the quality of life (QoL) of urban citizens. However, real-time processing requirements and exponential data growth withhold smart city realization. Therefore, herein we propose a Big Data analytics (BDA)-embedded experimental architecture for smart cities. Two major aspects are served by the BDA-embedded smart city. Firstly, it facilitates exploitation of urban Big Data (UBD) in planning, designing, and maintaining smart cities. Secondly, it occupies BDA to manage and process voluminous UBD to enhance the quality of urban services. Three tiers of the proposed architecture are liable for data aggregation, real-time data management, and service provisioning. Moreover, offline and online data processing tasks are further expedited by integrating data normalizing and data filtering techniques to the proposed work. By analyzing authenticated datasets, we obtained the threshold values required for urban planning and city operation management. Performance metrics in terms of online and offline data processing for the proposed dual-node Hadoop cluster is obtained using aforementioned authentic datasets. Throughput and processing time analysis performed with regard to existing works guarantee the performance superiority of the proposed work. Hence, we can claim the applicability and reliability of implementing proposed BDA-embedded smart city architecture in the real world.