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Impact of self-service technology (SST) service quality on customer loyalty and behavioral intention: The mediating role of customer satisfaction
Impact of self-service technology (SST) service quality on customer loyalty and behavioral intention: The mediating role of customer satisfaction
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Impact of self-service technology (SST) service quality on customer loyalty and behavioral intention: The mediating role of customer satisfaction
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Impact of self-service technology (SST) service quality on customer loyalty and behavioral intention: The mediating role of customer satisfaction
Impact of self-service technology (SST) service quality on customer loyalty and behavioral intention: The mediating role of customer satisfaction

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Impact of self-service technology (SST) service quality on customer loyalty and behavioral intention: The mediating role of customer satisfaction
Impact of self-service technology (SST) service quality on customer loyalty and behavioral intention: The mediating role of customer satisfaction
Journal Article

Impact of self-service technology (SST) service quality on customer loyalty and behavioral intention: The mediating role of customer satisfaction

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Service quality has been a topic of extensive inquiry for decades that has emerged now in form of self-service technology (SST) which has profound effects on the way customers interact with firms to create positive service outcomes i.e. customer satisfaction, loyalty, and behavioral Intentions. Therefore, the main objective of this study is to examine that how the technology based Services i.e. SSTs impact the customer satisfaction, loyalty, and Behavioral Intentions in service sector of Pakistan. The data have been collected from the 238 SST’s users through the online survey. In order to test the model, Structural Equation Modeling is applied by using the LISREL program. The results of this study reveal positive and significant relationship between SSTs service quality, loyalty, and behavioral Intentions directly and indirectly via customer satisfaction. These results provide insights for the service sector of the Pakistan to invest in the new technology in order to enhance the consumer experience, satisfaction, loyalty, and Intentions.