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Bioactivity Profile of the Diterpene Isosteviol and its Derivatives
Bioactivity Profile of the Diterpene Isosteviol and its Derivatives
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Bioactivity Profile of the Diterpene Isosteviol and its Derivatives
Bioactivity Profile of the Diterpene Isosteviol and its Derivatives

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Bioactivity Profile of the Diterpene Isosteviol and its Derivatives
Bioactivity Profile of the Diterpene Isosteviol and its Derivatives
Journal Article

Bioactivity Profile of the Diterpene Isosteviol and its Derivatives

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Steviosides, rebaudiosides and their analogues constitute a major class of naturally occurring biologically active diterpene compounds. The wide spectrum of pharmacological activity of this group of compounds has developed an interest among medicinal chemists to synthesize, purify, and analyze more selective and potent isosteviol derivatives. It has potential biological applications and improves the field of medicinal chemistry by designing novel drugs with the ability to cope against resistance developing diseases. The outstanding advancement in the design and synthesis of isosteviol and its derivative has proved its effectiveness and importance in the field of medicinal chemical research. The present review is an effort to integrate recently developed novel drugs syntheses from isosteviol and potentially active pharmacological importance of the isosteviol derivatives covering the recent advances.