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Flexural Capability of Patterned Transparent Conductive Substrate by Performing Electrical Measurements and Stress Simulations
Flexural Capability of Patterned Transparent Conductive Substrate by Performing Electrical Measurements and Stress Simulations
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Flexural Capability of Patterned Transparent Conductive Substrate by Performing Electrical Measurements and Stress Simulations
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Flexural Capability of Patterned Transparent Conductive Substrate by Performing Electrical Measurements and Stress Simulations
Flexural Capability of Patterned Transparent Conductive Substrate by Performing Electrical Measurements and Stress Simulations

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Flexural Capability of Patterned Transparent Conductive Substrate by Performing Electrical Measurements and Stress Simulations
Flexural Capability of Patterned Transparent Conductive Substrate by Performing Electrical Measurements and Stress Simulations
Journal Article

Flexural Capability of Patterned Transparent Conductive Substrate by Performing Electrical Measurements and Stress Simulations

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The suitability of stacked thin films for next-generation display technology was analyzed based on their properties and geometrical designs to evaluate the mechanical reliability of transparent conducting thin films utilized in flexural displays. In general, the high bending stress induced by various operation conditions is a major concern regarding the mechanical reliability of indium-tin-oxide (ITO) films deposited on polyethylene terephthalate (PET) substrates; mechanical reliability is commonly used to estimate the flexibility of displays. However, the pattern effect is rarely investigated to estimate the mechanical reliability of ITO/PET films. Thus, this study examined the flexible content of patterned ITO/PET films with two different line widths by conducting bending tests and sheet resistance measurements. Moreover, a stress-strain simulation enabled by finite element analysis was performed on the patterned ITO/PET to explore the stress impact of stacked film structures under various levels of flexural load. Results show that the design of the ITO/PET film can be applied in developing mechanically reliable flexible electronics.