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Subcellular and tissue localization of NAD kinases from Arabidopsis: compartmentalization of de novo NADP biosynthesis
Subcellular and tissue localization of NAD kinases from Arabidopsis: compartmentalization of de novo NADP biosynthesis
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Subcellular and tissue localization of NAD kinases from Arabidopsis: compartmentalization of de novo NADP biosynthesis
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Subcellular and tissue localization of NAD kinases from Arabidopsis: compartmentalization of de novo NADP biosynthesis
Subcellular and tissue localization of NAD kinases from Arabidopsis: compartmentalization of de novo NADP biosynthesis

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Subcellular and tissue localization of NAD kinases from Arabidopsis: compartmentalization of de novo NADP biosynthesis
Subcellular and tissue localization of NAD kinases from Arabidopsis: compartmentalization of de novo NADP biosynthesis
Journal Article

Subcellular and tissue localization of NAD kinases from Arabidopsis: compartmentalization of de novo NADP biosynthesis

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The de novo biosynthesis of the triphosphopyridine NADP is catalyzed solely by the ubiquitous NAD kinase family. The Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana) genome contains two genes encoding NAD⁺ kinases (NADKs), annotated as NADK1, NADK2, and one gene encoding a NADH kinase, NADK3, the latter isoform preferring NADH as a substrate. Here, we examined the tissue-specific and developmental expression patterns of the three NADKs using transgenic plants stably transformed with NADK promoter::glucuronidase (GUS) reporter gene constructs. We observed distinct spatial and temporal patterns of GUS activity among the NADK::GUS plants. All three NADK::GUS transgenes were expressed in reproductive tissue, whereas NADK1::GUS activity was found mainly in the roots, NADK2::GUS in leaves, and NADK3::GUS was restricted primarily to leaf vasculature and lateral root primordia. We also examined the subcellular distribution of the three NADK isoforms using NADK-green fluorescent protein (GFP) fusion proteins expressed transiently in Arabidopsis suspension-cultured cells. NADK1 and NADK2 were found to be localized to the cytosol and plastid stroma, respectively, consistent with previous work, whereas NADK3 localized to the peroxisomal matrix via a novel type 1 peroxisomal targeting signal. The specific subcellular and tissue distribution profiles among the three NADK isoforms and their possible non-overlapping roles in NADP(H) biosynthesis in plant cells are discussed.