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The need for Pan‐European automatic pollen and fungal spore monitoring: A stakeholder workshop position paper
The need for Pan‐European automatic pollen and fungal spore monitoring: A stakeholder workshop position paper
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The need for Pan‐European automatic pollen and fungal spore monitoring: A stakeholder workshop position paper
The need for Pan‐European automatic pollen and fungal spore monitoring: A stakeholder workshop position paper

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The need for Pan‐European automatic pollen and fungal spore monitoring: A stakeholder workshop position paper
The need for Pan‐European automatic pollen and fungal spore monitoring: A stakeholder workshop position paper
Journal Article

The need for Pan‐European automatic pollen and fungal spore monitoring: A stakeholder workshop position paper

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Background Information about airborne pollen concentrations is required by a range of end users, particularly from the health sector who use both observations and forecasts to diagnose and treat allergic patients. Manual methods are the standard for such measurements but, despite the range of pollen taxa that can be identified, these techniques suffer from a range of drawbacks. This includes being available at low temporal resolution (usually daily averages) and with a delay (usually 3–9 days from the measurement). Recent technological developments have made possible automatic pollen measurements, which are available at high temporal resolution and in real time, although currently only scattered in a few locations across Europe. Materials & Methods To promote the development of an extensive network across Europe and to ensure that this network will respond to end user needs, a stakeholder workshop was organised under the auspices of the EUMETNET AutoPollen Programme. Participants discussed requirements for the groups they represented, ranging from the need for information at various spatial scales, at high temporal resolution, and for targeted services to be developed. Results The provision of real‐time information is likely to lead to a notable decrease in the direct and indirect health costs associated with allergy in Europe, currently estimated between €50–150 billion/year.1 Discussion & Conclusion A European measurement network to meet end user requirements would thus more than pay for itself in terms of potential annual savings and provide significant impetus to research across a range of disciplines from climate science and public health to agriculture and environmental management.