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Synthesis and Pharmacological Activities of Pyrazole Derivatives: A Review
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Synthesis and Pharmacological Activities of Pyrazole Derivatives: A Review
Synthesis and Pharmacological Activities of Pyrazole Derivatives: A Review

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Synthesis and Pharmacological Activities of Pyrazole Derivatives: A Review
Synthesis and Pharmacological Activities of Pyrazole Derivatives: A Review
Journal Article

Synthesis and Pharmacological Activities of Pyrazole Derivatives: A Review

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Pyrazole and its derivatives are considered a pharmacologically important active scaffold that possesses almost all types of pharmacological activities. The presence of this nucleus in pharmacological agents of diverse therapeutic categories such as celecoxib, a potent anti-inflammatory, the antipsychotic CDPPB, the anti-obesity drug rimonabant, difenamizole, an analgesic, betazole, a H2-receptor agonist and the antidepressant agent fezolamide have proved the pharmacological potential of the pyrazole moiety. Owing to this diversity in the biological field, this nucleus has attracted the attention of many researchers to study its skeleton chemically and biologically. This review highlights the different synthesis methods and the pharmacological properties of pyrazole derivatives. Studies on the synthesis and biological activity of pyrazole derivatives developed by many scientists around the globe are reported.