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The Unpublished Feynman Diagram IIc
The Unpublished Feynman Diagram IIc

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The Unpublished Feynman Diagram IIc
The Unpublished Feynman Diagram IIc
Journal Article

The Unpublished Feynman Diagram IIc

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Quantum Electrodynamics (QED) is considered the most accurate theory in the history of science. However, this precision is limited to a single experimental value: the anomalous magnetic moment of the electron (g-factor). The calculation of the electron g-factor was carried out in 1950 by Karplus and Kroll. Seven years later, Petermann detected and corrected a serious error in the calculation of a Feynman diagram; however, neither the original calculation nor the subsequent correction was ever published. Therefore, the entire prestige of QED depends on the calculation of a single Feynman diagram (IIc) that has never been published and cannot be independently verified.
Progress in Physics