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14 Years on: A Clinical Report of an 86-year-old Patient with Full Arch Implant-supported Restorations with Auro Galvano Crown Attachments
14 Years on: A Clinical Report of an 86-year-old Patient with Full Arch Implant-supported Restorations with Auro Galvano Crown Attachments
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14 Years on: A Clinical Report of an 86-year-old Patient with Full Arch Implant-supported Restorations with Auro Galvano Crown Attachments
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14 Years on: A Clinical Report of an 86-year-old Patient with Full Arch Implant-supported Restorations with Auro Galvano Crown Attachments
14 Years on: A Clinical Report of an 86-year-old Patient with Full Arch Implant-supported Restorations with Auro Galvano Crown Attachments

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14 Years on: A Clinical Report of an 86-year-old Patient with Full Arch Implant-supported Restorations with Auro Galvano Crown Attachments
14 Years on: A Clinical Report of an 86-year-old Patient with Full Arch Implant-supported Restorations with Auro Galvano Crown Attachments
Journal Article

14 Years on: A Clinical Report of an 86-year-old Patient with Full Arch Implant-supported Restorations with Auro Galvano Crown Attachments

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(not in the  manuscript) Oral reconstruction in fully edentulous patients can be challenging at times. Hence, it is important to offer the most suitable treatment option after a detailed clinical examination and treatment plan. This 14-year long-term follow-up report is the clinical case of a 71-year-old non-smoker who visited the clinic in 2006 and opted for full-mouth reconstruction using Auro Galvano Crown (AGC) attachments. Maintenance was performed twice a year for the past 14 years, and the clinical results were satisfactory, with no signs of inflammation or lack of retention of the superstructures. This was associated with a high level of patient satisfaction, as indicated by the Oral Health Impact Profile (OHIP 14). Compared to the screw-retained implants over dentures, AGC attachments can be a viable and effective treatment option when restoring fully edentulous arches.
Allen Press Inc