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Recipes for ancient Egyptian mummification
Recipes for ancient Egyptian mummification

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Recipes for ancient Egyptian mummification
Recipes for ancient Egyptian mummification
Journal Article

Recipes for ancient Egyptian mummification

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[...]their contents could not be analysed at the time of their discovery because of issues regarding testing. [...]Rageot and colleagues' work is the first instance of the analysis of named materials used in mummification from the different contexts of an embalming workshop and a burial chamber. The materials identified included: oils or tars of juniper, cypress and cedar, and various resins including those from Pistacia trees, animal fats, beeswax and plant oils, almost all of which were identified previously in mummies7-10. The recipe for the latter was more varied: some vessels contained animal fats mixed with oil or tar ofjuniper and cypress, and one had ruminant fat and elemi.
Nature Publishing Group