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Walking Forward Together—The Next Step: Indigenous Youth Mental Health and the Climate Crisis
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Walking Forward Together—The Next Step: Indigenous Youth Mental Health and the Climate Crisis
Walking Forward Together—The Next Step: Indigenous Youth Mental Health and the Climate Crisis

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Walking Forward Together—The Next Step: Indigenous Youth Mental Health and the Climate Crisis
Walking Forward Together—The Next Step: Indigenous Youth Mental Health and the Climate Crisis
Journal Article

Walking Forward Together—The Next Step: Indigenous Youth Mental Health and the Climate Crisis

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The climate crisis has resulted in mental health challenges for varying demographic groups of all ages, but Indigenous youth are one of the most vulnerable populations impacted by the climate crisis. Conversations regarding Indigenous youth and the climate crisis are often held without their presence or input, identifying a gap in research and the literature. The findings from this review include the components of climate change regarding the mental health of Indigenous youth as being direct and indirect pathways of impact and resistance. Direct pathways include the more immediate and physical consequences of climate change associated with mental unwellness. Indirect pathways include less obvious consequences to those without lived experience, such as disruptions to culture and magnified social inequities, which also result in negative mental health consequences. The resistance component explores how Indigenous youth have been protesting and actively speaking out, which highlights the importance of the inclusion of Indigenous youth voices in decision-making spaces related to mental health service resources (i.e., funding) and policy in climate action. This review ends with a discussion on ways forward, the limitations herein, and how the uniqueness of the research may contribute to climate justice.