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Relationships between nitrogen, dry matter accumulation and glucosinolates in Eruca sativa Mills. The applicability of the critical NO.sub.3-N levels approach
Relationships between nitrogen, dry matter accumulation and glucosinolates in Eruca sativa Mills. The applicability of the critical NO.sub.3-N levels approach
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Relationships between nitrogen, dry matter accumulation and glucosinolates in Eruca sativa Mills. The applicability of the critical NO.sub.3-N levels approach
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Relationships between nitrogen, dry matter accumulation and glucosinolates in Eruca sativa Mills. The applicability of the critical NO.sub.3-N levels approach
Relationships between nitrogen, dry matter accumulation and glucosinolates in Eruca sativa Mills. The applicability of the critical NO.sub.3-N levels approach

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Relationships between nitrogen, dry matter accumulation and glucosinolates in Eruca sativa Mills. The applicability of the critical NO.sub.3-N levels approach
Relationships between nitrogen, dry matter accumulation and glucosinolates in Eruca sativa Mills. The applicability of the critical NO.sub.3-N levels approach
Journal Article

Relationships between nitrogen, dry matter accumulation and glucosinolates in Eruca sativa Mills. The applicability of the critical NO.sub.3-N levels approach

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Background and Aims Rocket salad (Eruca sativa Mills) is one of the major leafy vegetables produced worldwide and has been characterized as a rich source of chemoprotective glucosinolates (GSL). The relationship between N fertilization and the resulting plant biomass and N status with GSL quantity and quality in rocket leaves was examined. Methods A pot experiment was conducted, applying ten different N-rates and destructive sampling was carried out 15, 30 and 45 days after transplanting (DAT). The Mitscherlich equation was used to establish N[O.sub.3]-N critical levels at each growth stage and as an indicator of N demand for relative maximum dry matter accumulation and glucosinolate content and composition was determined. Results Glucosinolate content was significantly influenced by N rate, growth stage and their interaction. Different GSL types showed dissimilar responses to N fertilization: aliphatic GSLs were significantly reduced under increased N rates whereas indole GSL showed the reverse. Under excess N fertilization (>1.04 g/plant), dry matter accumulation remained constant, N[O.sub.3]-N was significantly increased and total GSL content was significantly reduced, factors that could lead to an anticipated product quality decline. Conclusions The application of the critical N[O.sub.3]-N level approach used to identify optimal N fertilization rates for plant growth could serve as means to obtain optimized GSL content in the edible plant parts. Keywords Eruca * Glucosinolates * N critical levels * Nitrate environmental pollution * Plant product quality