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Study on Bulk-Surface Transport Separation and Dielectric Polarization of Topological Insulator Bisub.1.2Sbsub.0.8Tesub.0.4Sesub.2.6
Study on Bulk-Surface Transport Separation and Dielectric Polarization of Topological Insulator Bisub.1.2Sbsub.0.8Tesub.0.4Sesub.2.6
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Study on Bulk-Surface Transport Separation and Dielectric Polarization of Topological Insulator Bisub.1.2Sbsub.0.8Tesub.0.4Sesub.2.6
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Study on Bulk-Surface Transport Separation and Dielectric Polarization of Topological Insulator Bisub.1.2Sbsub.0.8Tesub.0.4Sesub.2.6
Study on Bulk-Surface Transport Separation and Dielectric Polarization of Topological Insulator Bisub.1.2Sbsub.0.8Tesub.0.4Sesub.2.6

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Study on Bulk-Surface Transport Separation and Dielectric Polarization of Topological Insulator Bisub.1.2Sbsub.0.8Tesub.0.4Sesub.2.6
Study on Bulk-Surface Transport Separation and Dielectric Polarization of Topological Insulator Bisub.1.2Sbsub.0.8Tesub.0.4Sesub.2.6
Journal Article

Study on Bulk-Surface Transport Separation and Dielectric Polarization of Topological Insulator Bisub.1.2Sbsub.0.8Tesub.0.4Sesub.2.6

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This study successfully fabricated the quaternary topological insulator thin films of Bi[sub.1.2]Sb[sub.0.8]Te[sub.0.4]Se[sub.2.6] (BSTS) with a thickness of 25 nm, improving the intrinsic defects in binary topological materials through doping methods and achieving the separation of transport characteristics between the bulk and surface of topological insulator materials by utilizing a comprehensive Physical Properties Measurement System (PPMS) and Terahertz Time-Domain Spectroscopy (THz-TDS) to extract electronic transport information for both bulk and surface states. Additionally, the dielectric polarization behavior of BSTS in the low-frequency (10–10[sup.7] Hz) and high-frequency (0.5–2.0 THz) ranges was investigated. These research findings provide crucial experimental groundwork and theoretical guidance for the development of novel low-energy electronic devices, spintronic devices, and quantum computing technology based on topological insulators.