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Rare-Earth Ion Loss of Er- or Yb-Doped LiNbOsub.3 Crystals Due to Mechanical Destructive Effect of High-Energy Ball Milling
Rare-Earth Ion Loss of Er- or Yb-Doped LiNbOsub.3 Crystals Due to Mechanical Destructive Effect of High-Energy Ball Milling
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Rare-Earth Ion Loss of Er- or Yb-Doped LiNbOsub.3 Crystals Due to Mechanical Destructive Effect of High-Energy Ball Milling
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Rare-Earth Ion Loss of Er- or Yb-Doped LiNbOsub.3 Crystals Due to Mechanical Destructive Effect of High-Energy Ball Milling
Rare-Earth Ion Loss of Er- or Yb-Doped LiNbOsub.3 Crystals Due to Mechanical Destructive Effect of High-Energy Ball Milling

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Rare-Earth Ion Loss of Er- or Yb-Doped LiNbOsub.3 Crystals Due to Mechanical Destructive Effect of High-Energy Ball Milling
Rare-Earth Ion Loss of Er- or Yb-Doped LiNbOsub.3 Crystals Due to Mechanical Destructive Effect of High-Energy Ball Milling
Journal Article

Rare-Earth Ion Loss of Er- or Yb-Doped LiNbOsub.3 Crystals Due to Mechanical Destructive Effect of High-Energy Ball Milling

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Structural changes of Er- or Yb-ion doped LiNbO[sub.3] (LN) nanocrystals were studied in relation to the high-energy ball milling process. The evolution of the size of the particles and the formation of different phases were followed by dynamic light scattering and X-ray diffraction measurements, while the electronic transitions of rare-earth (RE) ions were investigated by absorption spectroscopy in the infrared spectral range. During the milling process, RE ions left the crystal lattice and an RE[sub.2]O[sub.3] phase appeared to an increasing extent next to the LN. The change in the absorption spectra and the phases formed during the grinding process were found to be very similar for both investigated RE ions and were independent of their original concentration in the starting crystal samples. The extent of the RE loss was found to be 90% after 100 min of wet grinding.