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Sunset: Key West
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Sunset: Key West
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Sunset: Key West
Sunset: Key West

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Sunset: Key West
Journal Article

Sunset: Key West

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The following is a journal, recovered from the ice years later, of one expedition leader who kept a stiff (and frozen) upper lip to the end. Omar refused to remove his finneskos and Cuthbart and I were forced to hold him down in the tent while Lieutenant Waldo removed the boots and blood-clotted sennegrass to reveal the seriousness of the man's left foot, which resembled in color, texture and odour a squashed pumpkin that had been left out in a frosted field to rot. The Doctor has extracted from his kit a tin of Les Delectables Portuguese sardines in olive oil for a festive treat. [...]we are reduced to 1/3rd of pemmican and chocolate and very little butter or biscuit, having found the last depot completely depleted by marauding beasts of unknown origin who must have very much enjoyed the feast of frozen and butchered sledge dogs (the poor things superfluous at that point) our support party deposited there a month ago.
Anaphora Literary Press