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Gender role transformation as exemplified by the military officer's wife role
Gender role transformation as exemplified by the military officer's wife role
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Gender role transformation as exemplified by the military officer's wife role
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Gender role transformation as exemplified by the military officer's wife role
Gender role transformation as exemplified by the military officer's wife role

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Gender role transformation as exemplified by the military officer's wife role
Gender role transformation as exemplified by the military officer's wife role

Gender role transformation as exemplified by the military officer's wife role

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The military is an especially rich site to study transformations in gender roles. United States military officers' wives experience the pull of emerging social values that encourage the development of individual identity by women although they are firmly located in a conservative institution. They are an extreme case in which we can see the extent to which new values have reached those settings most likely to resist. The current study is important in that it studies the overlap of work and family rather than considering them as separate and bounded spheres and it focuses on military officers' wives whose spouse's career demands are especially time consuming, notably for the geographic mobility required for promotion and the traditional expectations that the wife be an active participant in her husband's career. Since the demise of the cold war the military has been \"downsizing\" (reducing its forces) and is attempting to retain its superior personnel while encouraging substandard members to leave. This seems to have increased the pressure on some wives to perform in the traditional manner--the old-world officer's wife role but at the same time military wives are influenced by the general societal turn away from the exclusivity of familial responsibilities for women to a greater focus on individuality and personal fulfillment. This research expands upon Jans' (1989) study that frames the role of \"military wife\" as a career in which she derives her social identity from her husband's work role. In this context, her \"occupational\" role and therefore her identity is that of \"wife of ...\" The investigation takes into account biographical, psychological and situational factors, but it accentuates the sociological factors that influence the degree to which a wife identities with her husband's military career and her role of \"wife of ...\"
ProQuest Dissertations Publishing
9780591310771, 0591310775