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Mary of Mile 18
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Mary of Mile 18
Mary of Mile 18

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Mary of Mile 18
Book Review

Mary of Mile 18

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  It is a cold winter in northern British Columbia. At the Bergen farm, snow has covered the ground since early November and it will not melt until May. Meet Mary Bergen. Her parents once lived in town in a house with modern conveniences. Now the family lives in a house built by Mary's father, one that has no running water, electricity or telephone. The farming family's nearest neighbours are about two miles away. Once Mary's hardworking father has finished clearing the trees on the land, the government will give him the deed to the land. Mary has four other siblings with the fifth on its way. The Bergen children have many chores to complete around the house and barn in the morning and after school. One clear night in February, the temperature drops to forty degrees below zero and the northern lights flash across the sky. Mary Bergen gets out of bed and goes to the window to watch and listen. She hears a crackling sound and smiles, excited. Mary likes to pretend that, if she hears the music of lights, the next day will bring something special. All day, Mary wonders, \"What can happen today?\" Nothing special happens at school, but on the way home, Mr. Bergen swerves to avoid a collision and his truck slips off the road.
CM: Canadian Review of Materials Association
