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Comics as Inspiration: Are We Having Fun Yet?
Comics as Inspiration: Are We Having Fun Yet?
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Comics as Inspiration: Are We Having Fun Yet?

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The caped crusader is only one of many cartoon characters headed for the big screen. Dave Thomas and Sally Kellerman are starring as ''Boris and Natasha,'' those two nogoodniks from ''The Bullwinkle Show.'' ''Brenda Starr,'' a film made in 1986 and featuring Brooke Shields and Timothy Dalton, is finally slated for release this year. Arnold Schwarzenegger, often regarded as something of a cartoon figure himself despite or maybe because of his 3-D body, will star as ''Sgt. Rock.'' An animated feature of ''The Jetsons'' is scheduled for Christmas. Feature films about Spiderman and Archie are in the pipeline; ''Tales From the Crypt'' and ''Return of the Swamp Thing'' will reprise the horror comics of the 50's. James Belushi and Rick Moranis are interested in playing Fred and Barney of ''The Flintstones'' - itself a comics version of television's ''Honeymooners.'' ''Starmites'' steals good-naturedly from ''Star Wars,'' ''The Wizard of Oz,'' Tolkien's ''Lord of the Rings,'' Wagner's ''Ring'' cycle and Mozart's ''Magic Flute.'' It is not surprising that the composer and lyricist, Barry Keating, grew up reading comic books and watching Broadway musicals, or that he has been reading Joseph Campbell, the late scholar of heroic myths whose books spurred George Lucas to write his successful space trilogy. ''Comic books are the way we accept mythology today,'' says Mr. Keating. ''We need this stuff.'' To match such Broadway flops as ''Superman,'' ''Snoopy,'' and ''Doonesbury,'' backers for a show can dwell on the success of ''L'il Abner'' (1956), ''You're a Good Man, Charlie Brown'' (an enormous Off Broadway hit first mounted in 1967), and ''Annie,'' one of the most successful musicals in Broadway history - and for which there has been much talk of a sequel. Television and The Quest for Camp