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In the city of dreadful night
In the city of dreadful night
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In the city of dreadful night
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In the city of dreadful night
In the city of dreadful night

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In the city of dreadful night
Newspaper Article

In the city of dreadful night

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One of [Julie Myerson]'s strengths lies in creating atmosphere. She rips up the narrative to create a fragmented story. With Izzy's traumatic disorientation, time ceases to be linear. Things occur that she can't fathom, and then resonate as they occur again. Words are said by a character only to be repeated in another context in another time in an \"endless, heartbreaking loop of consequences\". As the amnesiac fog starts to shift, Izzy recalls that she once owned a house with roses around the door, grew vegetables, had a family, had an affair. She has \"done bad things\". But like someone in a Greek myth, she's condemned to a cycle of repetition.
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