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The Peter Principles: What Ralph Lauren's Executives Learned From Peter Strom
The Peter Principles: What Ralph Lauren's Executives Learned From Peter Strom
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The Peter Principles: What Ralph Lauren's Executives Learned From Peter Strom

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MINDY GROSSMAN, president and chief executive officer of WW, and former president and CEO, Polo Jeans Co. * Set high expectations and balance toughness and resolve with kindness, warmth and humor. * Have ultimate respect for and do not compromise as it relates to brand. * Integrity and character are everything. * Be curious, ask questions and listen. * Build and nurture the best team possible. CHERYL STERLING, fashion industry consultant, former president and chief operating officer of Ralph Lauren Womenswear * Know how and when to compromise. * You dont grow [a company] without great people. * The receptionist position, the first person you see who represents the company, is as important as the CEO. * Know everyone by name. CHARLES FAGAN, chief of staff to Ralph Lauren, executive vice president of Ralph Lauren Hospitality * Although I was at the beginning of my career when Peter was leading the company with Ralph, from my vantage point he was the definition of a servant leader, before the term was widely used in business. * Peter was obviously sharp, competitive, discerning and capable of all the mechanics it takes to build a company. KAREN ROSENBACH, managing partner, KLR Global Search, previously senior vice president, human resources and administration at Ralph Lauren * Working for Peter and watching him, I learned humility, generosity, kindness and humor.
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