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After a century of nisin research - where are we now?
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After a century of nisin research - where are we now?
After a century of nisin research - where are we now?

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After a century of nisin research - where are we now?
After a century of nisin research - where are we now?
Journal Article

After a century of nisin research - where are we now?

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It is almost a century since nisin was discovered in fermented milk cultures, coincidentally in the same year that penicillin was first described. Over the last 100 years this small, highly modified pentacyclic peptide has not only found success in the food industry as a preservative but has also served as the paradigm for our understanding of the genetic organization, expression, and regulation of genes involved in lantibiotic biosynthesis—one of the few cases of extensive post-translation modification in prokaryotes. Recent developments in understanding the complex biosynthesis of nisin have shed light on the cellular location of the modification and transport machinery and the co-ordinated series of spatio-temporal events required to produce active nisin and provide resistance and immunity. The continued unearthing of new natural variants from within human and animal gastrointestinal tracts has sparked interest in the potential application of nisin to influence the microbiome, given the growing recognition of the role the gastrointestinal microbiota plays in health and disease. Moreover, interdisciplinary approaches have taken advantage of biotechnological advancements to bioengineer nisin to produce novel variants and expand nisin functionality for applications in the biomedical field. This review will discuss the latest progress in these aspects of nisin research. The highly post-translationally modified peptide nisin has been studied over the course of the last 100 years, and although it has been employed successfully as a food preservative, its potent activity against multidrug resistant microbes, long safety record, lack of any significant resistance development, and amenability to bioengineering approaches to improve its antimicrobial and physicochemical properties has meant that the focus on nisin-related research is shifting from food preservation towards therapeutic use for the treatment of bacterial infections.
Oxford University Press