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Designing and implementing student-centred STEM practices: The 'water in the 21st century' teaching module
Designing and implementing student-centred STEM practices: The 'water in the 21st century' teaching module
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Designing and implementing student-centred STEM practices: The 'water in the 21st century' teaching module
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Designing and implementing student-centred STEM practices: The 'water in the 21st century' teaching module
Designing and implementing student-centred STEM practices: The 'water in the 21st century' teaching module

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Designing and implementing student-centred STEM practices: The 'water in the 21st century' teaching module
Designing and implementing student-centred STEM practices: The 'water in the 21st century' teaching module
Journal Article

Designing and implementing student-centred STEM practices: The 'water in the 21st century' teaching module

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The implementation of student-centred learning programs can improve student outcomes in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) domains. The required approaches to teaching and learning in such programs, however, are only slowly being adopted in the Asia-Pacific region. This article focuses on a STEM module, 'Water in the 21st Century', set within the Science and Technology Education Leveraging Relevance (STELR) program and developed recently as part of the Inspiring Science and Mathematics Education (iSME) project. The 'Water in the 21st Century' module positions inquiry and problem-solving at the forefront of student-centred learning, situating the teacher primarily as a learning facilitator. Within the module, students are provided with authentic and meaningful opportunities to engage in conceptual development in STEM through inquiry and problem-based learning. Module activities all target relevance, engaging students in critical issues related to understanding the role of water in the modern world. Analysis of focus group and teacher interviews during module trials demonstrates the strengths and limitations of implementing student-centred learning using these approaches. Findings suggest that a change from traditional approaches to inquiry or problem-based approaches, such as seen in this module, may require a shift in mindset and behaviour, but that this shift is achievable.