The Business Library - Carousel

The Business Library - Carousel

The Business Library

Find new ideas and concepts to help you plan your new venture, develop your existing business or expand your professional knowledge.

The Business Library

The Business Library

The Business Library aims to provide knowledge and resources to business owners, entrepreneurs, innovators and those studying business. Whether you are trying to grow your own businesses, develop yourself professionally or, perhaps, plan to launch your own new venture, we have a wide variety of resources to help you. 


You'll find the Business Library located on the Sixth Floor of the building opposite the Emirates Library. With a collection that includes some 34,000 business titles, plus ebooks and resources, we expect seasoned business professionals, early career-stage professionals and students all to benefit from this library. Browse our shelves for books on business, commerce, economics, finance, key industries and communications.


Other than books, the Business Library also provides you with selected electronic resources such as business databases, plus access to company information, directories and reports. The library will also host talks from business leaders and entrepreneurs from time to time.

The Business Library

The Business Library - Conference Rooms

The Business Library - Conference Rooms

Conference and Meeting Centre

Reserve a conference room for your meeting or workshop

The Mohammed bin Rashid Library's conference rooms are perfect for meetings, workshops or training sessions.

The library has 12 conference rooms available for booking on the Fourth Floor of the building. The largest of our conference rooms has seating for 22 people, while our other smaller rooms have seating for 12 people. You'll find that all of conference rooms are equipped with LCD screens, multi-media projectors, webcams, technologies for virtual meetings, free Wi-Fi and power points for electronic devices,


Conference room booking

Contact us by email via for conference room bookings and further information.

The Business Library - Meeting Rooms

The Business Library - Meeting Rooms

Meeting Rooms

The meeting room features functional work desks and essential tools that will facilitate any meeting, workshop and discussion, meeting room features functional work desks and essential tools that will facilitate any meeting, workshop and discussion.


Meeting room booking

Contact us by email via for meeting room bookings and further information.
