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The Virtual Mirror
The Virtual Mirror
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The Virtual Mirror
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The Virtual Mirror
The Virtual Mirror

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The Virtual Mirror
Journal Article

The Virtual Mirror

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This article offers managers a novel approach to increase creativity in their teams by measuring individual personality characteristics, crucial for creative people. We assess interpersonal interaction with sensor-equipped badges worn on the body. In a research project with 22 study subjects, who wore the badges during work for one month, we were able to predict extroversion, neuroticism, openness, and agreeability based on microscopic social network analysis. We obtained control measures of these values with a standard psychological test (NEO-FFI). As opposed to conventional personality tests, where people have to fill out lengthy questionnaires and surveys, our method offers an automated and potentially more reliable way to assess these personality characteristics. Once these characteristics are considered, teams could be reshuffled and team membership changed for higher creativity.