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47 result(s) for "Rochester, Simon"
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Magnetic Resonance Imaging with an Optical Atomic Magnetometer
We report an approach for the detection of magnetic resonance imaging without superconducting magnets and cryogenics: optical atomic magnetometry. This technique possesses a high sensitivity independent of the strength of the static magnetic field, extending the applicability of magnetic resonance imaging to low magnetic fields and eliminating imaging artifacts associated with high fields. By coupling with a remote-detection scheme, thereby improving the filling factor of the sample, we obtained time-resolved flow images of water with a temporal resolution of 0.1 s and spatial resolutions of 1.6 mm perpendicular to the flow and 4.5 mm along the flow. Potentially inexpensive, compact, and mobile, our technique provides a viable alternative for MRI detection with substantially enhanced sensitivity and time resolution for various situations where traditional MRI is not optimal.
Remote sensing of geomagnetic fields and atomic collisions in the mesosphere
Magnetic-field sensing has contributed to the formulation of the plate-tectonics theory, mapping of underground structures on Earth, and the study of magnetism of other planets. Filling the gap between space-based and near-Earth observations, we demonstrate a remote measurement of the geomagnetic field at an altitude of 85-100 km. The method consists of optical pumping of atomic sodium in the mesosphere with an intensity-modulated laser beam, and ground-based observation of the resultant magneto-optical resonance near the Larmor precession frequency. Here we validate this technique and measure the Larmor precession frequency of sodium and the corresponding magnetic field with an accuracy level of 0.28 mG Hz . These observations allow the characterization of atomic-collision processes in the mesosphere. Remote detection of mesospheric magnetic fields has potential applications such as mapping magnetic structures in the lithosphere, monitoring space weather, and electric currents in the ionosphere.
Magnetometry with mesospheric sodium
Measurement of magnetic fields on the few 100-km length scale is significant for many geophysical applications including mapping of crustal magnetism and ocean circulation measurements, yet available techniques for such measurements are very expensive or of limited accuracy. We propose a method for remote detection of magnetic fields using the naturally occurring atomic sodium-rich layer in the mesosphere and existing high-power lasers developed for laser guide star applications. The proposed method offers a dramatic reduction in cost and opens the way to large-scale, parallel magnetic mapping and monitoring for atmospheric science, navigation, and geophysics.
Optically Polarized Atoms
An accessible textbook for students and practitioners of atomic, molecular, and optical physics. It will be useful for scientists working with lasers. The book comes with an extensive freely downloadable software package and many colourful and animated illustrations. Additional materials are available for instructors.
Efficient cooling of high-angular-momentum atoms
We propose a highly efficient and fast method of translational cooling for high-angular-momentum atoms. Optical pumping and stimulated transitions, combined with magnetic forces, can be used to compress phase-space density, and the efficiency of each compression step increases with the angular momentum. Entropy is removed by spontaneously emitted photons, and particle number is conserved. This method may be an attractive alternative to evaporative cooling of atoms and possibly molecules in order to produce quantum degenerate gases.
Robust two-state swap by stimulated Raman adiabatic passage
Efficient initialization and manipulation of quantum states is important for numerous applications and it usually requires the ability to perform high fidelity and robust swapping of the populations of quantum states. Stimulated Raman adiabatic passage (STIRAP) has been known to perform efficient and robust inversion of the ground states populations of a three-level system. However, its performance is sensitive to the initial state of the system. In this contribution we demonstrate that a slight modification of STIRAP, where we introduce a non-zero single-photon detuning, allows for efficient and robust population swapping for any initial state. The results of our work could be useful for efficient and robust state preparation, dynamical decoupling and design of quantum gates in ground state qubits via two-photon interactions.
Remote Detection Optical Magnetometry
Sensitive magnetometers have been applied in a wide range of research fields, including geophysical exploration, bio-magnetic field detection, ultralow-field nuclear magnetic resonance, etc. Commonly, magnetometers are directly placed at the position where the magnetic field is to be measured. However, in some situations, for example in near space or harsh environments, near nuclear reactors or particle accelerators, it is hard to place a magnetometer directly there. If the magnetic field can be detected remotely, i.e., via stand-off detection, this problem can be solved. As optical magnetometers are based on optical readout, they are naturally promising for stand-off detection. We review various approaches to optical stand-off magnetometry proposed and developed over the years, culminating in recent results on measuring magnetic fields in the mesosphere using laser guide stars, magnetometry with mirrorless-lasing readout, and proposals for satellite-assisted interrogation of atmospheric sodium.
Magnetic resonance imaging with an optical atomicmagnetometer
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is a noninvasive andversatile methodology that has been applied in many disciplines1,2. Thedetection sensitivity of conventional Faraday detection of MRI depends onthe strength of the static magnetic field and the sample \"fillingfactor.\" Under circumstances where only low magnetic fields can be used,and for samples with low spin density or filling factor, the conventionaldetection sensitivity is compromised. Alternative detection methods withhigh sensitivity in low magnetic fields are thus required. Here we showthe first use of a laser-based atomic magnetometer for MRI detection inlow fields. Our technique also employs remote detection which physicallyseparates the encoding and detection steps3-5, to improve the fillingfactor of the sample. Potentially inexpensive and using a compactapparatus, our technique provides a novel alternative for MRI detectionwith substantially enhanced sensitivity and time resolution whileavoiding the need for cryogenics.
Modeling Nonlinear Magneto-optical Effects in Atomic Vapors
Nonlinear magneto-optical processes are a rich source of interesting and useful phenomena, with both practical and fundamental-physics applications. Theoretical modeling is helpful for understanding and visualizing the mechanisms for nonlinear magneto-optical effects (NMOE), and for analyzing and optimizing devices based on these effects. Part I of this Thesis describes Bloch-equation methods and visualization techniques that can be used to model a wide variety of NMOE in atomic vapors. Part II presents several applications of the methods, including the investigation and visualization of a specific effect involving radio-frequency fields, a study of the general consequences of hyperfine structure on NMOE, and modeling and optimization of systems for laser guide stars. Appendices present additional mathematical material and describe a Mathematica package used for density-matrix calculations.