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Everyday nationhood : theorising culture, identity and belonging after Banal Nationalism
Everyday nationhood : theorising culture, identity and belonging after Banal Nationalism

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Everyday nationhood : theorising culture, identity and belonging after Banal Nationalism

Everyday nationhood : theorising culture, identity and belonging after Banal Nationalism

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This edited collection explores the continuing appeal of nationalism around the world. The authors' ground-breaking research demonstrates the ways in which national priorities and sensibilities frame an extraordinary array of activities, from classroom discussions and social media posts to global policy-making, as well as identifying the value that can come from feeling part of a national community, especially during times of economic uncertainty and social change. They also note how attachments to nation can often generate powerful emotions, happiness and pride as well as anger and frustration, which can be used to mobilize substantial numbers of people into action.-- Provided by publisher.
Palgrave Macmillan
9781137570970, 1137570970
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Call Number Copies Material Location
JC311.E9844 2017 1 BOOK AUTOSTORE