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The Louise Parker method : lean for life : transform your body in 6 weeks, protect the results forever
The Louise Parker method : lean for life : transform your body in 6 weeks, protect the results forever
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The Louise Parker method : lean for life : transform your body in 6 weeks, protect the results forever
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The Louise Parker method : lean for life : transform your body in 6 weeks, protect the results forever
The Louise Parker method : lean for life : transform your body in 6 weeks, protect the results forever

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The Louise Parker method : lean for life : transform your body in 6 weeks, protect the results forever

The Louise Parker method : lean for life : transform your body in 6 weeks, protect the results forever

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For the first time, Louise shares her unique four-pronged approach to lasting success that has made her method the mecca for worldwide clients demanding the most intelligent, focused and practical solution to permanent weight loss and habit change. The book details four simple pillars that promise you can drop two dress sizes in six weeks without a chia seed in sight.
Mitchell Beazley
9781784721756, 1784721751
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1 item available
1 item total in all locations
Holdings :
Call Number Copies Material Location
RA776.75.P37 2016 1 BOOK AUTOSTORE